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No monotony at all

Daniel Franco from Laives is head of maintenance and servicing at VOG Products. The 26-year-old has had a remarkable career at the company. What particularly appeals to him: The high level of technology within the company.

Some like it, others fear it. Daniel Franco belongs to the second category. He has little experience of monotony in the workplace. Fortunately, this doesn't happen to him. Daniel, aged 26, recently became head of maintenance and servicing at VOG Products. For him, that means even more responsibility – and also more diversity in his work. With his new tasks, he has to overcome both technical and human challenges when dealing with employees.

But Daniel Franco has learned to handle challenges."They appeared soon after I joined the company," he says. In July 2015, he had applied for a job at VOG Products after graduating from the mechanical engineering section of the TFO-high school. As he had already completed a school related summer internship at the company a year earlier, the motivated young man did not have to wait for long. Three days after the job interview, he slipped on his work shoes for the first time, accompanied by a colleague, to maintain and repair machines and equipment.

Less than a month later, the first major "test": Daniel filled in with the so-called 4th team, which covers the 24-hour rotation in the 7-day weeks during the high season. Which meant: The then 19-year-old was on his own during his night shift as a technician and had to demonstrate his problem-solving skills. "Today I am glad that I was thrown in at the deep end back then. I learnt a lot, because I not only had to get involved practically, but also understand the context."

Daniel was on rotation duty for four years. He was enthusiastic about it, even if the irregular, sometimes night-time working hours demanded a great deal of discipline and flexibility on his part. That meant that some of his other activities had to take a back seat. But his voluntary work with the volunteer fire brigade and the "Krampus" association were - and still are - very important to Daniel. In 2019, he gladly accepted the offer to work as deputy head of the maintenance and servicing department with fixed working hours during the day. From then on, Daniel additionally took care of the organisation of the work. "The maintenance of the machines is partly carried out by the manufacturing companies," he mentions. "I organise the time and procedure and accompany the process."

Daniel likes working with VOG Products' high-tech equipment. "The company invests in machines and modern equipment every year. As a result of the installation and maintenance, I'm always up to date with the latest technology," he says. Monotony? No chance!

Following the retirement of his predecessor, Daniel has recently been promoted to head his department. As the youngest in the department at the time, this has brought him further responsibility. "People are not machines that run according to a certain pattern. Each and every person has their own character and special strengths." For Daniel it is important to communicate well with everyone in the team and to achieve the common goals.

He is happy to have climbed the steps of the career ladder from the very bottom. "I know all the realities in my field. This also creates trust between me and my team". Daniel Franco very much appreciates the fact that the management of VOG Products trusts young employees and gives them the opportunity to assume responsibility. And even if he now has a lot of work as "boss" and sometimes has to grit his teeth, at the end of the day the positive feeling of having made progress again prevails.

Fruity alternatives: basis for cider and vinegar

VOG Products is offering the food and drink industry fermented bases for producing cider and apple cider vinegar - high-quality and individually tailored to customers’ needs.

Bee meadow on the Sonnenberg in Kortsch

The grand opening of the bee meadow on the Sonnenberg in Kortsch on May 28, 2024, marked another strong commitment by VOG Products to sustainability.

Apple compote with pieces

VOG Products recently added a very special product to its assortment: “apple compote with pieces”, in which the creamy texture of the apple mousse meets apple chunks, resulting in an unforgettable flavour. High-quality steamed apple chunks are combined with apple mousse to create a “ready-to-use” product. This opens up a wide range of uses and applications for customers.

Bioland is more than EU organic

Four out of five of the organic apples processed by VOG Products come from the cultivation of around 600 Bioland farmers in South Tyrol.

Picture: ©Südtiroler Apfelkonsortium

Red apple juice is attracting attention

The Kissabel® apple (variety R201) is known around the world for its fruit pulp, which can vary from pink to red. The juice is just as attractive as the apple, mainly because its unique taste and a characteristic red colour ranging from violet to ruby red.

“Organic apple juice is no longer a niche”

South Tyrol has been the largest organic apple supplier in Europe for many years. That is why the quantities delivered to the fruit processor VOG Products have more than tripled in three years.

EcoVadis Silver for VOG Products

EcoVadis rewarded the sustainability efforts of VOG Products with a silver medal.

Always focused on new goals

Hannes Egger is a mountaineer and "optimiser" in the company.

How puree is produced

Puree is an increasingly important product at VOG Products.

Taking the opportunity

Ervis Naci from Albania has made the step from worker to head of department.

Sustainable water management: our approach

Each year, VOG Products processes around 350,000 tonnes of apples into juice, puree and concentrate. Water is indispensable in the production process: it serves as cooling and transport water. The company not only uses it carefully, but also several times over.

Clever solutions for tricky questions

Jessica Pfeifer solves many seemingly unsolvable problems in the Sales Back Office.

Expertise & Technology